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Senior Solutions Engineer

Job category:Senior Solutions EngineerWorkplace:abroadRelease time:2020-08-26

Location: Abroad
job content:
1. The first person responsible for the overall product brand and solutions, from the perspective of solutions to help customers achieve business success, responsible for the business objectives of customer group solutions;
2. As the first person responsible for bidding quotation, be responsible for the quotation of services and related products;
3. Through high-level communication with customers, excavators will meet the point, promote the transformation from opportunity point to project, and realize market breakthrough;
4. Understand and manage customer requirements, develop customized solutions, guide the development of solutions;
5. Organize the development and promotion of customized solutions to ensure the competitiveness of solutions;
6. In the dialogue for CXO and key technology layer, provide solution level support, create customer value and gain customer trust.
Job requirements:
1. Good conduct and good health;
2. Full time bachelor degree or above, major in communication, CET-4 or above, can use English as working language, proficient in listening, speaking, reading and writing;
3. More than 5 years overseas working experience, adapt to long-term overseas business trip;
4. Have a comprehensive understanding of Telecom Optical Network and be familiar with the whole communication network structure;
5. Proficient in ODN / OSP fixed network transmission structure, familiar with fixed network transmission equipment, proficient in fixed network engineering construction process, cost composition, project BOM / BOM bill of material, material type and specification, service item list.